Monday, February 28, 2011

Fantasy in Reality

People can actually fantasize while they're awake, do you know that? Yes peeps, these people are daydreamers. And please don't make fun of those because you are one of them. Everyone is a daydreamer. Don't go and deem yourself as a healthy and normal person just because you don't dream during the day. Alliteration, again. Girls, I know we are all the same, keep thinking about our crush, be it celebrity or your very own classmate in class. And boys, I have nothing against you just show up already and admit that you guys did the same, or maybe, even worse.*gasp*

Daydreaming is a fairly common phenomenon, but still, it should not be indulged in excessively though it is not harmful. You are not in touch with the reality, and you can be distracted from all the fantasies. But we tend to focus on the bad side. Try to look for the silver lining in the cloud. as for a child, daydreaming fosters a child imagination, and enhances creativity. Daydreaming is looked upon negatively because it represents 'non-doing' in a society that emphasizes productivity. Well the truth is, even most of the famous people have been daydreamers and obviously the have brought something into the world, so we cannot simply claim all daydreamers are non-productive and only lazing around. The best of all, daydreaming allows you a range of possibilities which, in the hard cold light of reality, aren't possible.

Specifically, daydreaming helps you relax your mind and body, curb anxiety as well as to manage personal conflict, maintain relationships and boost productivity. Fact says that daydreaming aids people to gain more energy and be more productive in a long run. So, don't be scared to daydream.

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