Friday, January 14, 2011


It's the scalp flakes people.

This is you, feeling dejected and dispirited

And now you're suffering from psychological depression. 
crap I forgot to bring along my towel.what to do now?

Eventually you blamed yourself for what you've been going through.
girl please, go comb your hair at least. hey, she's a left-handed-interesting.


Dandruff sure tires one out. Almost everyone has suffered from dandruff. There are various advertisements on TV, promoting the shampoo brand and the shampoo girl and stuff, that is the power of marketing. They keep saying the product is proven to be effective by the experts, but still no excellent result can we expect upon - well at least for me. I've tried several products and it only heals for a while. I'm not surprised at the final result by any means. Note that it could be the wrong way of using the products. Of course the blame is to be put on one self at the very end of the day. Dandruff is considered as a disease when the scaling is noticeable and the scalp gets itchy, despite the fact that it is a normal psychological process.

How to get rid of dandruff

These are the do's of dandruff care.
  • Let the hair dry naturally after bath, that is no blow drying right after. Make sure you have toweled off the excess water properly.
  • Wash your hair daily - with shampoo used on alternate days in the beginning, and once or twice weekly as to maintain the progress.
  • Take dandruff-fighting dietary supplements. Eat a well-balanced food, avoid snacks, get enough sleep and exercise regularly.
  • Brush the scalp hair firmly with a soft natural bristle brush. The hair should be brushed from scalp outwards for it will prevent the oil from remaining on the scalp where yeast likely to multiply.
  • Be sure to rinse thoroughly after washing, as the shampoo residue can lead to dandruff forming and skin problems.
  • For mild cases, shampoo powder with camillea seeds is recommended.
Moving on to the don'ts 
  • Do not wash hair intensively, for it will irritate the scalp.
  • Do not use ordinary soap to wash your hair. It does not function to cleanse the scalp and hair. It will only aggravate the situation.
  • Do not consume alcohols, fried and oily food.
  • Use anti-dandruff shampoos once or twice a week. Excessive use will be too harsh on scalp care.
  • Avoid dyes on scalp hair as well. The normal resident bacteria of the scalp which keeps away the yeasts will be destroyed by dyes and harsh shampoos.
 Lets take a good care of our hair and scalp from now on. One Americano here :)

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